quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011

Rebecca Moradalizadeh. Sheffield, UK

I'm the first one to have the works, so I post them all here; as you can see, in the title, I wrote my name, and the place I'm living at the moment;
This is a kind of presentation of the prints and quotes:

"Prisão corporal", 2009
143x80 cm

"Tie yourself to me" #1, 2010 
150x80 cm

"Tie yourself to me" #2, 2010
100x80 cm

Untitled, 2010
142x 80 cm

Untitled, 2010
142x 80 cm

"Prisão corporal" #2, 2010
124x80 cm

"Cravando cravos", 2010
100x80 cm

"Escrevi-te uma carta", 2010
140x80 cm

"Pintura?Escultura?Performance?", 2010
120x80 cm

"After Marlene Dumas", 2010
95x80 cm

Untitled, 2011
142x80 cm

"Quero lavar meu corpo de preconceitos", 2011
125x80 cm

"Quero lavar meu corpo de preconceitos", 2011
132x80 cm

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