domingo, 8 de maio de 2011



Interesses: music / electronic media art / information vizualization / interaction design / data vizualization

A arte e a sua vizualização em rede, teleporta as obras para o universo global, deixando um rasto da sua presença nas bases de dados digitais.

sábado, 7 de maio de 2011

Carolina Vasconcelos - Inglaterra

  • Carolina
  • Idade: não me lembro...
  • Inglaterra
  • Londres
  • Supervisora e 1/2 Designer de acessórios de moda (  )
  • Pintura, instalação, fotografia, moda, música, correr até morrer, etc....
  • Ideia magnifica esta de Mailart. O público poder fazer parte da obra do Artista.Tocar, cheirar, assinar, olhar, "dobrar" a arte. Sobre a foto impressa..."she is looking at me" digo eu, o silêncio do olhar...penetrante e inquietante.

quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2011

Ana Aresta, Portugal

21 anos, estudante. Interesses: música, cinema, literatura

A relação sempre profunda, complexa e inquietante entre interior e exterior....

Para além de ser um privilégio poder fazer parte do processo de criação desta obra de arte, senti-me como uma pequena curadora a receber peças para a próxima exposição. 

Ana Aresta, Portugal

quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011

Rebecca Moradalizadeh. Sheffield, UK

I'm the first one to have the works, so I post them all here; as you can see, in the title, I wrote my name, and the place I'm living at the moment;
This is a kind of presentation of the prints and quotes:

"Prisão corporal", 2009
143x80 cm

"Tie yourself to me" #1, 2010 
150x80 cm

"Tie yourself to me" #2, 2010
100x80 cm

Untitled, 2010
142x 80 cm

Untitled, 2010
142x 80 cm

"Prisão corporal" #2, 2010
124x80 cm

"Cravando cravos", 2010
100x80 cm

"Escrevi-te uma carta", 2010
140x80 cm

"Pintura?Escultura?Performance?", 2010
120x80 cm

"After Marlene Dumas", 2010
95x80 cm

Untitled, 2011
142x80 cm

"Quero lavar meu corpo de preconceitos", 2011
125x80 cm

"Quero lavar meu corpo de preconceitos", 2011
132x80 cm

Informations about the project;

"As I go on with my work and projects, I realise that I’m becoming more interested in the area of performance; not live performance, but ways that I can use my body, or others, to interact in ideas I have, by photographing or filming.
The present work that I’m going to explain, it’s a bit different, and includes two works at the same time; some work I’ve been doing with photo, and the new idea of mailart.

With the idea of showing my work to others, and the dream of wanting to achieve to lots of spots in the world, it occured to me, influenced on a way that an artist from Chile, Eugenio Dittborn developed with his own work: airmail art, that I could use this technique to achieve that “dream”;

I have chosen 13 photos of my latest photography works. They are about lots of issues I had, in a certain time, and things I wanted/needed to express. 
13 black and white photos, printed in a thin paper, and with a large dimension; with each of this photos, the idea was to fold them, and put them in a A4 envelope so I could post them to some people I know. This chosen people would be the first audience to have my own work, but here they wouldn’t have one, but two works: the print and the idea of mailart. 
I want them to know what I do, but also to develop a knew idea of interaction; once this people that I know receive my work, they will have to try to follow some rules I have written, and then continue with the idea of mailart, by sending themselves the work in a new envelope, to another  person they’ll select.
My first choices, are from different spots of Portugal, and outside of my country. The next ones to have the work (selected by you), I will not know in person, but by the internet, as I will explain ahead.
I will have to have some contact with all of the new people, so I can see where my works are, and at the same time with whom. It will be a more personal contact, between artist, work, and audience.
This idea of interaction between the work and the audience, is going to be the performance that I thought about. Each one of you, if respecting my conditions, will be performing for me."

The rules I asked for, where very simple. When each of the selected people, received my letter, in an A4 envelope, they will have inside the printed photo folded; a card with a quotation about photography; and the rules.
- They will have to unfold the print, and try to put it in the wall, so they can see the whole image; then they would have to take themselves a photograph, with them included, so they could prove me they were with the work;
- The next step, will be to give me some info I ask for, through this blog; doing a post with the photo, name, age, country, city, profession, and a opinion about the works;
- Then they will have to send the work, in a new envelope with all the documents included, to another person selected by them, and send me the envelope they first received; 

Concerns about this work:

As you can see this is an ambitious work I’m trying to develop. I’m managing to send every print to different people I know, or have contact, but previously selected by me, and try to spread my work to different people I will “meet” through the blog; 
This may work or not; maybe some of the prints will not continue the mission of being a week in each place; maybe  someone that has the work, may stop it, or forget it.
I would like to make you think, that each one that has my work is determinating my piece of art. 
The aim of this is to go around, to be known , and to create a kind of perfomance; If someone stops it, my work stops, and it’s all over, and I loose my purpose.
I want people also to have the contact with an artist’s work, without going to a gallery; though I’m an art student, they’ll be able to have in their own house and hands a piece of art, and also participate, manage and manipulate my work.

What do I win with this kind of work?

- Have opinions about all kind of people (they may not be in the art area, but may have an opinion about the work);

- Know people from lots of places and different cultures, and letting them have my work;

- Controling my works: where are they and with whom?;

- Receive the envelops from the prints; (these envelops have information with adresses, and also the stamps; I could use them, and the photos, for some exhibition)

- Create a big art performance, with lots of people included; by obeing my rules, since taking the photo, until going to a post office to send the letter, they are creating a perfomance that; it’s also a short experience, different from the dailyroutine.